Blackbar Soldierfish (Myripristis jacobus) schooling over coral reef at dusk. Blackbar Soldierfish (Myripristis jacobus) schooling over coral reef at dusk. schooling school mass many group together same identical similar red huddle huddled nocternal Trout |Blackbar Soldierfish (Myripristis jacobus)
Image# f13d08_56895
Shadowfin Soldierfish (Myripristis adusta) being cleaned by Bicolour Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) Shadowfin Soldierfish (Myripristis adusta) being cleaned by Bicolour Cleaner Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) vertical two pair couple together duo paired partner partners twin cute friend friendly cuddly cuddle play playful happy smile cleaning help helping helpful clean parasites parasite Trout |Shadowfin Soldierfish (Myripristis adusta)
Image# f13d10_59721
Yellowstriped Squirrelfish (Neoniphon aurolineatus) Yellowstriped Squirrelfish (Neoniphon aurolineatus) single one alone lonely isolated individual colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint yellow red sad glum unhappy grim depress depressed Trout |Yellowstriped Squirrelfish (Neoniphon aurolineatus)
Image# f13d09_59715
Doubletooth Soldierfish (Myripristis hexagona) with Fish Doctor (Nerocila sp.) parasite clinging to face. Doubletooth Soldierfish (Myripristis hexagona) with Fish Doctor (Nerocila sp.) parasite clinging to face. single one alone lonely isolated individual crustacean shell armor armour armoured armored protect protected protection hard sheild shield annoy annoying parasitic cling clinging hold holding attach attached sad glum unhappy Trout lice louse fishdoctor parasite crustaceanshell armor armour armoured armored protect protected protection hard sheild shield colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint red orange grip grab gripping grabbing hold holding grasp grasping grasped held |Doubletooth Soldierfish (Myripristis hexagona)
Image# f13d11_61437
Big-eyed Soldierfish (Myripristis pralinia) outside hollow in reef where it rests during daylight hours. Big-eyed Soldierfish (Myripristis pralinia) outside hollow in reef where it rests during daylight hours. Trout single one alone lonely isolated individual shell armor armour armoured armored protect protected protection hard sheild shield colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint red orange nocturnal diagonal curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying soldier fish squirrel squirrelfish |Big-eyed Soldierfish (Myripristis pralinia)
Image# f13d_63042
Squirrelfish (Myripristis sp.) or Soldierfish with Surgeonfish and other species on healthy coral reef with delicate hard corals. Squirrelfish (Myripristis sp.) or Soldierfish with Surgeonfish and other species on healthy coral reef with delicate hard corals. Beryciformes (sawbellies) mass many group together same identical similar hardcoral hardcorals hard-coral hard-corals prolific rich diverse hover hovering sun sunny sunshine shine sunbeam sunbeams beam beams surface light |Squirrelfish (Myripristis sp.)