All Other Goby SpeciesMarineThemes2017-12-20T12:50:45-06:00
Image# f18bm01_15729
Threadfin Sand Goby (Nesogobius sp.) with parasite on snout. Threadfin Sand Goby (Nesogobius sp.) with parasite on snout. pattern camouflage sand nose face burden front spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic parasitic suck sucking stuck stick sticking grip gripping grab grabbing hold holding adhere adhering Gobies spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks grip grab gripping grabbing hold holding grasp grasping grasped held |Threadfin Sand Goby (Nesogobius sp.)
Image# f18bm04_16830
Coral Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) on Leather Coral (Sarcophyton trocheliophorum) Coral Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) on Leather Coral (Sarcophyton trocheliophorum) small tiny dwarfed light beam path single one alone lonely Gobies |Coral Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica)
Image# f18bm04_33976
Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) colour color red eyes vertical orange shape look looking peer peek single one alone lonely Gobies |Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica)
Image# f18bm04_33983
Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) colour color red eyes green look looking peer peek sit profile single one alone lonely isolated individual small tiny minute minuet miniscule diminutive macro micro little minor minature miniature petite puny cute friend friendly cuddly cuddle play playful happy smile smiling sponge gobies Gobies |Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica)
Image# f18bm04_40131
Coral Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) on Favia coral. Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) colour color red eyes vertical orange shape look looking peer peek Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) colour color red eyes vertical green contrast shape look looking peer peek single one alone lonely Gobies |Coral Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica)
Image# f18bm04_58272
Coral Goby or Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) with parasites embedding in flanks. Coral Goby or Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) with parasites embedding in flanks. harm harmful parasite injure injured host Gobies |Coral Goby or Many Host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica)
Image# f18bm04_62582
Many-host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) Mating couple on black coral. Many-host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) Mating couple on black coral. Gobiidae (Gobies), subfamily: Gobiinae Coral Goby Perciformes two pair couple together duo paired partner partners twin partnership sex reproduction mate mating maternal copulate copulation small tiny minute minuet miniscule diminutive macro micro little minor minature miniature petite puny |Many-host Goby (Pleurosicya mossambica)
Blueband Goby (Valenciennea strigata) with Flagtail Blanquillo (Malacanthus brevirostris) Blueband Goby (Valenciennea strigata) with Flagtail Blanquillo (Malacanthus brevirostris) Gobiidae (Gobies) > Gobiinae Perciformes two pair couple together duo paired partner partners twin partnership different difference colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint yellow gold golden lemon flavus, flava, flavum sand sandy sandflat seabed sea bed sea-bed seafloor sea-floor floor |Blueband Goby (Valenciennea strigata)
Image# f18bm08_52157
Twinspot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus) Male and female pair. Twinspot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus) Male and female pair. two couple hovering eyes ocellus opposite opposed directions different same similar identical Gobies |Twinspot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus)
Image# f18bm08_22889
Twinspot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus) Twinspot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus) colour color blue sand ocelli ocellis eyes look looking striped pattern spots spotted single one alone lonely single one alone lonely isolated individual small tiny minute minuet miniscule diminutive macro micro little minor minature miniature petite puny spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic cute friend friendly ocellas ocellus Gobies |Twinspot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus)
Image# f18bm14_30124
Slender Sponge Goby (Pleurosicya elongata) on Fan Sponge (Ianthella basta) Slender Sponge Goby (Pleurosicya elongata) on Fan Sponge (Ianthella basta) pattern camouflage colour color spots spotted striped stripes banded pink magenta red vertical blue eyes look looking peer peek single one alone lonely isolated individual colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint Gobies |Slender Sponge Goby (Pleurosicya elongata)
Image# f18bm08_22891
Twinspot Gobys (Signigobius biocellatus) Twinspot Goby (Signigobius biocellatus) colour color blue sand ocelli ocellis eyes look looking striped pattern spots spotted pair couple house cleaning male female two pair couple together duo paired partner partners twin partnership spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks ocellas ocellus cute friend friendly cuddly cuddle play playful happy smile smiling curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying Gobies |Twinspot Gobys (Signigobius biocellatus)