Image# fe01a15_49608
Leopard Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)Leopard Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) pattern teeth jaws mouth nostrils dangerous sharp pointed jagged gape gasp vertical singing yelling eels |Leopard Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_50887
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) spots spotted pattern strange unusual painted eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_58258
Leopard Morays (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from holes in coral reef.Leopard Morays (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from holes in coral reef. emerging from holes in coral reef. two pair couple together duo paired partner partners twin eel mouth open talk talking conversation gossip converse conversing conversation Eels |Leopard Morays (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_58601
Leopard Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)Leopard Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) single one alone lonely isolated individual eel camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic mouth jaw jaws teeth sharp point pointed eel Eels |Leopard Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60323
Dragon Moray (Muraena pardalis) emerging from hole in rocky reef.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from hole in rocky reef. single one alone lonely isolated individual spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel Eels |Dragon Moray (Muraena pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60324
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) in yawning threat posture.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) in yawning threat posture. single one alone lonely isolated individual spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel yell yelling call calling shout shouting cough coughing yawn yawning gasp gasping teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60325
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) single one alone lonely isolated individual spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60326
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) single one alone lonely isolated individual spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60327
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) profile showing distinctive hooked upper jaw.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) profile showing distinctive hooked upper jaw. single one alone lonely isolated individual spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60355
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) profile.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) profile. single one alone lonely isolated individual line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit antennae eyebrow eyebrows Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60361
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from crevice in rocky reef.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from crevice in rocky reef. single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60367
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60368
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) with mouth open displaying it's sharp holding teeth.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) with mouth open displaying it's sharp holding teeth. single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60369
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from rocky lair.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from rocky lair. single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60370
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60371
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) yawning.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) yawning. single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60372
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from rocky reef.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) emerging from rocky reef. single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying vertical Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60373
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) yawning in possible threat posture.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) yawning in possible threat posture. single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying vertical Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60374
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) Open mouth is part of their normal breathing motion.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) Open mouth is part of their normal breathing motion. single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying vertical Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)
Image# fe01a15_60375
Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) yawning.Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis) yawning. single one alone lonely isolated individual camouflage camoflage camouflaged camoflaged hidden hiding hide cryptic spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks line lines lined stripe stripes striped patterns pattern band bands banded happy smile smiling smiler grin grimace teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit eel eels fish eyebrow eyebrows antennae curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying vertical Eels |Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis)