Black Marlin (Makaira indica) being cut up after fishing tournament. Black Marlin (Makaira indica) being cut up after fishing tournament. environment waste slaughter Environment |Black Marlin (Makaira indica)
Image# env_41833
Black Marlin (Makaira indica) caught in fishing tournament. Black Marlin (Makaira indica) being cut up after fishing tournament. environment waste slaughter Environment |Black Marlin (Makaira indica)
Image# env_50862
Fisherman with Manta Ray (Manta birostris) on gaff. Fisherman with Manta Ray (Manta birostris) on gaff. dead dying death killing killed hooked gaffed harmless victim killer Environment |Fisherman with Manta Ray (Manta birostris)
Image# env_51378
Fishermen hauling in Bentfin Devilray (Mobula thurstoni) with gaffs. Fishermen hauling in Bentfin Devilray (Mobula thurstoni) with gaffs. killing killer death fishing harvesting vertical environment poaching poachers commercial fishing Environment |Fishermen hauling in Bentfin Devilray (Mobula thurstoni)
Image# env_53316
Mobula or Devil Ray meat drying. Mobula or Devil Ray meat drying. environmental harvesting exploited exploitation depleted depletion vertical Fishing and Aquaculture |Mobula or Devil Ray meat drying.
Image# env_54977
Fisherman throwing bycatch over the side of trawler boat after sorting out commercial fish. Fisherman throwing bycatch over the side of trawler boat after sorting out commercial fish. trawling fishing catching many mass vertical waste disposal disposing shovel Fishing and Aquaculture |Fisherman throwing bycatch over the side of trawler boat after sorting out commercial fish.
Image# env_54978
Fisherman throwing bycatch over the side of trawler boat after sorting out commercial fish. Fisherman throwing bycatch over the side of trawler boat after sorting out commercial fish. trawling fishing catching many mass vertical waste disposal disposing shovel Fishing and Aquaculture |Fisherman throwing bycatch over the side of trawler boat after sorting out commercial fish.
Image# env_55002
Various species of fish (mostly Nannygai (Centroberyx affinis)), sharks and rays on deck of trawler boat. Various species of fish (mostly Nannygai (Centroberyx affinis)), sharks and rays on deck of trawler boat. catch mass many plenty haul red snapper fishing Fishing and Aquaculture |Various species of fish (mostly Nannygai (Centroberyx affinis)
Image# env_55697
Stingray jaws drying In the sun on board a Sea Gypsy boat. Stingray jaws drying In the sun on board a Sea Gypsy boat. fishing collected colletion environment dry preserved preserving Fishing and Aquaculture |Stingray jaws drying In the sun on board a Sea Gypsy boat.
Image# env_55698
Sea Gypsy setting up long line. Sea Gypsy setting up long line. fishing fisherman angler vertical boat Fishing and Aquaculture |Sea Gypsy setting up long line.
Image# env_55699
Sea Gypsy threading hooks onto long line. Sea Gypsy threading hooks onto long line. fishing fisherman angler hook barb Fishing and Aquaculture |Sea Gypsy threading hooks onto long line.
Image# env_55700
Sea Gypsies preparing boat for fishing trip. Sea Gypsies preparing boat for fishing trip. boat fisherman fishermen anglers Fishing and Aquaculture |Sea Gypsies preparing boat for fishing trip.
Image# env_55721
Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) discarded as unwanted bycatch at sea after being caught in fishing net. Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) discarded as unwanted bycatch at sea after being caught in fishing net. dead death damaged injured injury vertical floating afloat caught captured Environment |Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)
Image# env_56858
Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) with mouth open in threat posture showing long line fishing cable trailing from mouth. Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) with mouth open in threat posture showing long line fishing cable trailing from mouth. single one alone lonely isolated individual cachalot odontoceti Physeteridae catodon cetacea caught captured hurt hurting injure injury injur damage damaged trace hook hooked vertical Whales Toothed single one alone lonely isolated individual yell yelling call calling shout shouting cough coughing yawn yawning gasp gasping teeth tooth dental fang fangs mouth jaw jaws sharp point pointed canine canines bite biter bit trace fishing line longline long-line long line curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying happy happiness joy joyful joyous delight delightful exuberant exuberent enthusiastic ebullient effervescent high-spirited vivacious gay lively spirited zestful zesty zest frolic frolicing frolicking frolicsome vertical |Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus)
Image# env_58372
Diver on hookah surface supplied air with reef fish collected for aquarium trade. Diver on hookah surface supplied air with reef fish collected for aquarium trade. vertical dive diver diving adventure adventurous discover discovery discovering poach poaching poacher catch catching collect collecting caught capture capturing hunt hunting hunter gather gathering forage foraging fish fishing fisherman cyanide Environment |Diver on hookah surface supplied air with reef fish collected for aquarium trade.