Floe edge of sea ice in open ocean during calm day. Floe edge of sea ice in open ocean during calm day. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing chill chilly snow seaice sea-ice floe-edge floedge floeedge change water ocean frozen mountain mountains mountainous hill hilly hills horizon distant distance far arctic |Floe edge of sea ice in open ocean during calm day.
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Floe edge of sea ice in open ocean during calm day. Floe edge of sea ice in open ocean during calm day. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing chill chilly snow seaice sea-ice floe-edge floedge floeedge change water ocean frozen mountain mountains mountainous hill hilly hills horizon distant distance far arctic |Floe edge of sea ice in open ocean during calm day.
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Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing chill chilly snow mountain mountains.mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous cracked cracking break breaking broken split splitting splintered shatter shattered zigzag zig-zag open opening opened surface thawing thawed mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous ocean frozen arctic |Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw.
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Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing chill chilly snow mountain mountains.mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous cracked cracking break breaking broken split splitting splintered shatter shattered zigzag zig-zag open opening opened surface thawing thawed mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous ocean frozen vertical arctic |Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw.
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Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing chill chilly snow mountain mountains.mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous cracked cracking break breaking broken split splitting splintered shatter shattered zigzag zig-zag open opening opened surface thawing thawed mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous ocean frozen arctic |Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw.
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Ice chunks breaking off main floe of sea ice. Ice chunks breaking off main floe of sea ice. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow slush break broke broken chunky chips cubes ocean calm peace peaceful serene serenity calming calmed becalmed arctic antarctic |Ice chunks breaking off main floe of sea ice.
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Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing chill chilly snow mountain mountains.mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous cracked cracking break breaking broken split splitting splintered shatter shattered zigzag zig-zag open opening opened surface thawing thawed frozen cloud clouds wind windy calm peace peaceful serene serenity calming calmed becalmed floe floe-edge mountain mountains hill hills arctic |Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw.
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Ice chunks breaking off main floe of sea ice. Ice chunks breaking off main floe of sea ice. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow slush break broke broken chunky chips cubes ocean calm peace peaceful serene serenity calming calmed becalmed arctic antarctic |Ice chunks breaking off main floe of sea ice.
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River of snow and ice melt fresh water entering ocean covered in sea ice. River of snow and ice melt fresh water entering ocean covered in sea ice. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow shore shoreline creek melt melting flow flowing floe arctic |River of snow and ice melt fresh water entering ocean covered in sea ice.
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Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing chill chilly snow mountain mountains.mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous cracked cracking break breaking broken split splitting splintered shatter shattered zigzag zig-zag open opening opened surface thawing thawed mountain mountains hill hills hilly mountainous ocean frozen arctic vertical antarctic |Lead or split in sea ice during sping thaw.
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Brown algae, the base of the arctic food pyrimid, growing under uplifted sea ice. Brown algae, the base of the arctic food pyrimid, growing under uplifted sea ice. plant plants flora photosynthisis photosynthesis photosynthesise fodder seaweed sea weed sea-weed kelp algae plant plants photosynthisis photosynthesis ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow foodchain food-chain food chain arctic antarctic |Brown algae, the base of the arctic food pyrimid, growing under uplifted sea ice.
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Underside of sea ice floe. Underside of sea ice floe. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow underwater under water under-water underside under-side arctic antarctic polar |Underside of sea ice floe.
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Underside of sea ice floe. Underside of sea ice floe. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow underwater under water under-water underside under-side arctic antarctic polar |Underside of sea ice floe.
Loose brash ice in strait between islands in Antarctica. Loose brash ice in strait between islands in Antarctica. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow afloat floating packed jammed channel strait Antarctica Antarctic |Loose brash ice in strait between islands in Antarctica.
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Ice breaker, with tourists on the bow, moving through channel littered with brash ice. Ice breaker, with tourists on the bow, moving through channel littered with brash ice. mass many group together same identical similar ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow deck tourist tourists tourism eco tourism eco-tourism ecotourism ecotourist eco-tourist eco tourist ecotourists eco-tourists holiday holidays vacation adventure discovery adventuring discover Antarctica Antarctic |Ice breaker, with tourists on the bow, moving through channel littered with brash ice.
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Chunks of brash ice in calm channel. Chunks of brash ice in calm channel. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow float floating afloat iceberg icebergs channel strait straits vertical Antarctica Antarctic |Chunks of brash ice in calm channel.
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Chunks of brash ice in calm channel. Chunks of brash ice in calm channel. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow float floating afloat iceberg icebergs channel strait straits vertical Antarctica Antarctic |Chunks of brash ice in calm channel.
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Chunks of brash ice in calm channel. Chunks of brash ice in calm channel. ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow float floating afloat iceberg icebergs channel strait straits Antarctica Antarctic |Chunks of brash ice in calm channel.