Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) dangerous sharp sting spine stingray single one alone pattern spots spotted blotches fly flying flight wings Stingrays |Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni)
Image# r01a16_22703
Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) dangerous sharp sting spine stingray single one alone pattern spots spotted blotches fly flying flight wings Stingrays |Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni)
Image# r01a16_22705
Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) dangerous sharp sting spine stingray single one alone pattern spots spotted blotches fly flying flight wings Stingrays |Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni)
Image# r01a16_3443
Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) and Cleaner Fish (Labroides dimidiatus) Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) and Cleaner Fish (Labroides dimidiatus) pattern fish commensal reef Stingrays |Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni)
Image# r01a16_50991
Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) camauflaged pattern stingray stingaray Stingrays |Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni)
Image# r01a16_50992
Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) Mating aggregation. Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) Mating aggregation. sex reproduction group many mass gathering stingrays stingray stingaray Stingrays |Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni)
Image# r01a16_51006
Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) swimming over reef edge. Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni) swimming over reef edge. smile flying wings stingray stingaray Stingrays |Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniura meyeni)