Various Farming / CollectingMarineThemes2017-12-20T12:56:58-06:00
Image# cfa_3552
Yabby farmer with yabbies or freshwater crayfish (Cherax destructor) in net. Aquaculture. Yabby farmer with yabbies or freshwater crayfish (Cherax destructor) in net. Aquaculture. colour color blue cyan aquaculture farming trap pot wade wading muddy fresh water dam pond river vertical aquaculture aqua culture farm farming grow growing mariculture mari harvest harvesting economy growth farmer net netting catch caught catching Fishing and Aquaculture |Yabby farmer with yabbies or freshwater crayfish (Cherax destructor)
Workers loading wet kelp fronds onto drying racks. When processed, kelp produces alginic acid which is used as a binder, stabilizer, emulsifier, or moulding agent in many common products. Workers loading wet kelp fronds onto drying racks. When processed, kelp produces alginic acid which is used as a binder, stabilizer, emulsifier, or moulding agent in many common products. commercial plant plants leave leaves dry wet process aquaculture mariculture Fishing and Aquaculture |Workers loading wet kelp fronds onto drying racks. When processed, kelp produces alginic acid which is used as a binder, stabilizer, emulsifier, or moulding agent in many common products.
Image# cfa_4378
Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum) on drying racks. Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum) on drying racks. harvesting aquaculture mariculture seaweed vertical aquaculture aqua culture farm farming grow growing mariculture mari harvest harvesting economy growth Fishing and Aquaculture |Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum)
Image# cfa_4399
Tying Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum) hold fasts to hauling line. Kelp harvesting. Tying Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum) hold fasts to hauling line. Kelp harvesting. aquaculture mariculture seaweed vertical worker working beach shoreline aquaculture aqua culture farm farming grow growing mariculture mari harvest harvesting economy growth farmer tie tieing tying rope roping shore shoreline seaweed bullkelp Fishing and Aquaculture |Tying Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum)
Image# cfa_56922
Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) swimming on the surface. Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) swimming on the surface. baby young newborn new born juvenile youth beginnings beginning begin start starting sex reproduction mate mating maternal copulate copulation schooling school mass many group together same identical similar cute friend friendly cuddly cuddle play playful happy smile Turtles |Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas)
Mounds of sea salt collected from salt farm. Mounds of sea salt collected from salt farm. aquaculture aqua culture farm farming grow growing mariculture mari harvest harvesting economy growth crystal crystals seasalt sea-salt sodium white slope slopes mountain mountains sodium chloride NaCl |Mounds of sea salt collected from salt farm.
Image# cfa_62968
Salt encrusted shoreline of salt pan used to harvest salt for commercial use. Salt encrusted shoreline of salt pan used to harvest salt for commercial use. flat hot orange salty crystal crystals sodium chloride NaCl aquaculture aqua culture farm farming grow growing mariculture mari harvest harvesting economy horizon horizontal colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint |Salt encrusted shoreline of salt pan used to harvest salt for commercial use.