Various Other GastropodsMarineThemes2017-12-20T12:56:59-06:00
Image# d03_61589
Wentletrap Snail (Epitonium billeeanum) feeding on Tubastraea or Daisy Coral after which it will lay it's eggs in the empty coral cup. Wentletrap Snail (Epitonium billeeanum) feeding on Tubastraea or Daisy Coral after which it will lay it's eggs in the empty coral cup. single one alone lonely isolated individual shell armor armour armoured armored protect protected protection hard sheild shield colour color colourful colorful vibrant vibrent vibrint yellow eat eating eater feed feeding feeder consume consuming devour devouring gold golden |Wentletrap Snail (Epitonium billeeanum)
Thycidae Shell (Thyca crystallina) on the arm of a Linckia Sea Star. Ectoparasitic shell. Thycidae Shell (Thyca crystallina) on the arm of a Linckia Sea Star. Ectoparasitic shell. gastropod gastropods shell shells mollusc molluscs starfish star-fish star scallop parasite parasitic single one alone lonely isolated individual small tiny minute minuet miniscule diminutive macro micro little minor minature miniature petite puny soft delicate fragile breakable eat eating eater feed feeding feeder consume consuming devour devouring |Thycidae Shell (Thyca crystallina)
Image# d03_61876
Cone Shell (Conus sp.) foraging over sea bed at night with extended proboscis. Cone Shell (Conus sp.) foraging over sea bed at night with extended proboscis. Gastropoda single one alone lonely isolated individual shell armor armour armoured armored protect protected protection hard sheild shield gastropod gastropods shell shells mollusc molluscs sniff sniffing smell scent sensor sensing hunt hunting hunter forage foraging stalking stalker stalk predator |Cone Shell (Conus sp.)
Top Shell (Trochus maculatus) A form of trochus shell used to make buttons and costume jewelry. Top Shell (Trochus maculatus) A form of trochus shell used to make buttons and costume jewelry. Gastropoda single one alone lonely isolated individual gastropod gastropods shell shells mollusc molluscs shell armor armour armoured armored protect protected protection hard sheild shield turban trochusshell trochus-shell topshell top-shell |Top Shell (Trochus maculatus)
Image# d03_64352
Spider Shell (Lambis lambis) foraging over sea bed, showing eye stalks. Spider Shell (Lambis lambis) foraging over sea bed, showing eye stalks. Gastropoda single one alone lonely isolated individual shell armor armour armoured armored protect protected protection hard sheild shield gastropod gastropods shell shells mollusc molluscs sand sandy sandflat seabed sea bed sea-bed seafloor sea-floor floor spike spikes spiked spine spines sharp point pointed |Spider Shell (Lambis lambis)