Whaling skiff, at abandoned whaling station, with Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) resting on the collapsed deck. Whaling skiff, at abandoned whaling station, with Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) resting on the collapsed deck. dead death decay decompose decaying decomposing rot rotting rotten bird birds feather feathered beak seabird sea-bird seabirds sea-birds boat wreck wreckage whaleboat whale-boat whale wreck wreckage grounded ashore single one alone lonely isolated individual Antarctica Antarctic |Whaling skiff, at abandoned whaling station, with Great Skua (Stercorarius skua)
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Whaling skiff at abandoned whaling station. Whaling skiff at abandoned whaling station. dead death decay decompose decaying decomposing rot rotting rotten bird birds feather feathered beak seabird sea-bird seabirds sea-birds boat wreck wreckage whaleboat whale-boat whale ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow wreck wreckage grounded ashore single one alone lonely isolated individual Antarctica Antarctic |Whaling skiff at abandoned whaling station.
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Whaling skiffs at abandoned whaling station. Whaling skiffs at abandoned whaling station. dead death decay decompose decaying decomposing rot rotting rotten bird birds feather feathered beak seabird sea-bird seabirds sea-birds boat wreck wreckage whaleboat whale-boat whale ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow wreck wreckage grounded ashore two pair couple together duo paired partner partners twin partnership Antarctica Antarctic |Whaling skiffs at abandoned whaling station.
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Storage tanks and barracks at abandoned whaling station. Storage tanks and barracks at abandoned whaling station. dead death decay decompose decaying decomposing rot rotting rotten tank building office offices containers whale oil rust rusty corrosion corroded Antarctica Antarctic |Storage tanks and barracks at abandoned whaling station.
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Grave marker at abandoned whaling station. Grave marker at abandoned whaling station. dead death decay decompose decaying decomposing rot rotting rotten corpse cadaver carcass bone bones skeleton skull cross crucifix gravestone cairn marker explore explorer exploring ice iced icy cold frigid freeze freezing frozen chill chilly snow Antarctica Antarctic |Grave marker at abandoned whaling station.
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Storage tanks and barracks at abandoned whaling station. Storage tanks and barracks at abandoned whaling station. dead death decay decompose decaying decomposing rot rotting rotten whale oil containers rust rusty corrosion corroded Antarctica Antarctic |Storage tanks and barracks at abandoned whaling station.
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Boilers at abandoned whaling station. Boilers at abandoned whaling station. heater heat oil boiling process processing extract extraction extracting whale blubber dead death decay decompose decaying decomposing rot rotting rotten rust rusty corrosion corroded Antarctica Antarctic |Boilers at abandoned whaling station.