\n Spotted Ratfish Chimaera (Hydrolagus colliei) Adult male, showing head clasper, foraging for worms, crabs, shells and other invertebrates over silty sea bed.
Spotted Ratfish Chimaera (Hydrolagus colliei) Adult male, showing head clasper, foraging for worms, crabs, shells and other invertebrates over silty sea bed. Chimaeridae Holocephali Chimaeriformes single one alone lonely isolated individual spots spotted dot dots dotted spot speckled specks chimaera chimaeras chimeara chimearas chimera chimeras chondricthyan chondricthyans holocephali ghost ghostshark delicate skin reflect reflective reflecting cartilage cartilaginous fish fishes chimaeridae callorhinchidae chimera chimaeriforme chimaeriformes abyss abyssal deep depths deepwater deep-water curious curiousity curios curiosity look looking inspect inspecting gaze gazing inquisitive inquiring enquiring interested questioning nosy prying snout snouts nose noses nosey spine spines dorsal dorsal-spine dorsalspine search searching searched seek seeking forage foraging sense senses smell smelling scent detect detecting find finding mollusc molluscs |Spotted Ratfish Chimaera (Hydrolagus colliei)<\/span><\/div>