\n Long-snouted Spinner Dolphins (Stenella longirostris) leaping above the surface.
Long-snouted Spinner Dolphins (Stenella longirostris) leaping above the surface. Delphinidae Cetacea jump jumping jumped leap leaping breach breaching joy joyful joyous rise rising emerge emerging emerged dolphin dolphins mammal mammals cetacean cetaceans odonticeti delphinidae happy happiness joy joyful joyous delight delightful exuberant exuberent enthusiastic ebullient effervescent high-spirited vivacious gay lively spirited zestful zesty zest frolic frolicing frolicking frolicsome free freedom unencumbered liberated boundless unbound unbounded untamed uninhibited freeing longsnouted quck quickly quicker fast speed speedy swift swiftly rapid |Long-snouted Spinner Dolphins (Stenella longirostris)<\/span><\/div>